
nothing major.

So I've been slacking lately on these blogs. I've been pretty busy working. With the holidays here a lot of things keep pop-ing up left and right I never get to actually be home and if I am home I am either rushing in to grab something real quick , sleeping,eating, getting ready and I'm out the door. I have not been able to sit down and work on another shirt at the moment.There are 2 shirts already done. Hopefully on Tuesday I will have some time to work on another one. I need to make time to organize things up a bit. I am STILL waiting for the company who will print my shirts to send me a sample . Its been already a week and I am growing more impatient as days go by. [picture:Magen H and ME.]

As 2009 will be arriving I will make some MAJOR changes that have already started. I plan to make 2009 a good year for me because 2008 has been a shitty, nothing but bad news, negativity with some positives in between and just a bad year for me. . I'll go out of my way to make 2009 a better year for me. With already starting heartbreaksound I plan to make it a GREAT AND SUCCESSFUL YEAR. I plan to move out of the state, start my own life, further my education and make heartbreaksound BIG. . and just do what truely makes me happy. It has always been part of my swagg to just not worry about what others have to say or think about me or what I do with MY life.

I'll keep you all updated. On another note, If anyone knows of a graphic designer that is reliable, has good work and Is friendly please email me or leave a comment with the details. thank you.

email: heartbreaksound@gmail.com

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